Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Christmas Countdown ...

I was sitting at my desk today and glanced over at my calendar.  I can't believe it ... 18 days until Christmas. Scary. Where has the year gone? I had a big ol' long list of stuff to do during 2010 and I'm about half-way down the list. I don't think I can get it all done in 18 days. Nope, not a snowball's chance in H.E.double-hockey-sticks. Good thing I'm okay with that.

One of the things on my '10 To Do list was buy myself a present from The Frog Store. This is what I wanted ...

I think it's awesome, really wanted it, and have absolutely no clue why I've not bought it yet. Sometimes I think it's because I'm overly practical. I'm not a woman who wears a lot of jewelry - although I do have some really nice stuff in my jewelry box. Most of it has been gifted to me by the husband and by some wonderful friends. So, I guess I'll move this To Do purchase over to the 2011 list.

Speaking of lists and the upcoming Christmas holiday ... if you have a frog lover on your list to buy for, hop over to The Frog Store and check them out. Crazy variety of froggy stuff!

Of course, you could also hop over to our CafePress store and get an awesome skinfood sweatshirt, tote bag, t-shirt or other really nice gift for yourself (or friend/family member) and get your frog on for the holidays! A nice and green 1 ounce container of the original skinfood makes an impressive stocking stuffer, too. I'm just sayin'.

Namaste', y'all ...

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