Saturday, October 2, 2010

A five foot frog, a festival, and lots of fun!

On Saturday, October 9th, downtown Marion, NC will be hosting it's 27th annual Mountain Glory Festival ... and Skinfood Works will be there! 

Not only will we have lots of freshly made skinfood for sale, we're bringing our buddy, Fredrico, the five foot (from the tip his nose to the tip of his toes!) red eyed tree frog! He's going to be hanging around the booth, chatting with customers, and waiting impatiently for the end of the day when he finds out who his new family will be. That's right ... just enter our raffle and some lucky winner is going to get Fredrico delivered right to their door! Sure wish it could be me 'cause I just love this big ol' hug-able frog!

This guy is beautifully detailed and so incredibly soft! He likes sleep all day, sing and dance all night, and eat crickets, moths and grasshoppers, too! His family lives in the rain forests of Central America. 

Sadly, Fredrico's family habitat is shrinking at an alarming rate due to rapid deforestation. We, the ladies of Skinfood Works, both practice and support recycling on all levels to help save Fredrico and his family's home!

So don't forget to come by our booth at the Mountain Glory Festival and show your support for saving our world, too!

Namaste, y'all ...
... and Fredrico

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