Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's official ... you can now get your frog on!

The Original Skinfood is really and truly, at long last, online.

I'm not sure I've even fully grasped the reality of that statement. It feels almost strange think it, much less say it out loud. I'm simultaneously thrilled and at a loss ... although one would think I would be doing a serious happy dance considering the effort that has gone into getting here.

Oh yeah, y'all can't bet your sweet baby booties, this ol' gal did a happy dance.

On the flip side, I've been working so hard, have been so focused on this step in our process of re-launching the business, knowing having the website online was a key element to that end, that I have thought of nothing else for the past couple of months. Daylight 'til waaaay past dark, my world has been website, website, website and more website. The closer it came to the end of the month the more anxious I got. July deadline. I was going to meet that deadline if it killed me. I did remember to feed the cats, I did remember to take a shower every day, and most of the time I remembered I do have to eat. The rest of my brain cells spit out most everything and yelled, "Must_build_website!"

I must confess, the artist in me loathes the word 'deadline' but the business part of me hates not meeting a deadline nearly as much. I spent too many years working in the graphics industry to not be completely wigged out at the thought of not meeting a deadline - even a self-imposed one.

So now it's done.

This is where the expression "at a loss as to what to do with myself" came in rather appropriately. Suddenly, with the click of a button, I'm no longer pulling my hair out focused on building the website and have hours to fill. Ugh! Had a serious moment of panic when I realized I didn't know what else to do with the rest of my day. Felt kind of stupid to be feeling sad that I could actually go sit on the sofa and relax instead of sitting at the computer and arguing with gif files and html codes that didn't want to play nice ... probably should have felt far more stupid to be getting into verbal altercations with html codes.

I should have had a little party.

Instead, I ended up gathering my bucket of cleaning supplies and scrubbing the shower.

I hope you will all go visit our brand new website and of course, buy skinfood! 

Namaste, y'all ...

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